Application to Hold an Approved Event

  • Should an apprentice judge apply to apprentice the event, effort should be made to accommodate that request.
  • It is mandatory that spectators are not restricted from the event. Details of the event will be automatically published on the GSDL WDG website once the event has been approved.
  • Applications for an overseas judge MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE EVENT CO-ORDINATOR AT LEAST 6 WEEKS before the trial date.
  • The Events Co-ordinator must be contacted and confirm the use of an SV judge at any event, before a host club can apply for the release from the GSDL Secretary.

Application to Host an Approved Event
Has the judge been contacted by the hosting branch?

Trial Officials

Helper Details

Note: The use of non-GSDL helpers must be declared and agreed by the Executive Committee in advance of the event.

Tracklayer Details

Note: The use of non-GSDL tracklayers must be declared and agreed by the Executive Committee in advance of the event.

Please pay the fee of £25 via BANK TRANSFER within 24 hours of submitting this form.

Sort code: 30-96-15
Account: 02603527
Name: G.S.D League Working Dog Branch