Bankhall IGP club trial

Judge: Dean Banks Venue: Bankhall IGP Club, L31 1AX Trial Secretary: Caroline Mackintosh Phone: 07764368673 Email: Helper: Ryan Yates Tracklayer: Chris Bows

Team Animo IGP club trial

Judge: Gary S Khakhian Venue:Team Animo IGP, Boyton Hall Farm, Chelmsford CM1 4LN Trial Secretary: Sarah Gillet Phone: 07780576820 Email: Helper: Simon Hopcroft-Lopez Tracklayer: Georgia Pearce

Chase Sports Dog Club trial

Judge: Manfred Drescher Venue: Chase Sports Dog Club, 145 Lime Lane Trial Secretary: Molly Watt Phone: 07522279642 Email: Helper: Richard Harrison, Mike Watt Tracklayer: Richard Harrison

Pitsford IGP club trial

Judge: Phil Sergent Venue: Pitsford IGP, The Piggeries, Grange Lane, Pitsford, NN6 9AN Organiser: Samanatha Wortley Phone: 07917 832911 Email: Helper: Chris Wilson, Oliver French Tracklayer: Oliver French, Chris Wilson

Forth Sports Dog Club trial

Judge: Philip Sergent Venue: Forth Sports Dog Club, Parenwell Cottage, Blairadam. Kelty Trial Secretary: Heather Macdonald Phone: 07876210243 Email: Helper: Connar Bain, Stephen Michie Tracklayer: Jock Mitchell

Severnside Sports Dog Club trial

Judge: Jim Jackson Venue: Severnside Sports Dog Club, Barecroft common, Magor Trial Secretary: Linda Gamon Phone: 07903443676 Email:  

Phoenix IGP Club trial

Judge: Henriette Bohnstedt Venue: Phoenix IGP Club, A5, Watling Streeet, Muckley Corner, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 0BD Trial Secretary: Gill Davis Phone: 07711271292 Email: Helper: Dean Howell, Martin Grainger Tracklayer: Tom Davis

Wych Beck Dog Sport club trial

Judge: Dean Banks Venue:Wych Beck Dog Sport Club, Kil Green Cottage Trial Secretary: Alison Montgomery Phone: 07709430598 Email: Helper: Milligan Montgomery, Josh Hallam Tracklayer: Mark Montgomery

FCI Joint Selection Trial

Judge: Pierre Wahlstrom Venue: AFC Monton, New Alder Park Off Worsley Road, Winton, Manchester, M30 8JN GSDL helpers: Andy Parsons, Ross Heron (judge to select final helpers) Track layers: Chris Wilson, Lewis Hartley

Yorkshire IGP club trial

Judge: Dean Banks Venue: Yorkshire IGP, Back Lane, WF4 2EE Trial Secretary: Alex Smith Phone: 07415779063 Email: Helper: Marius Dubosas Tracklayer: Alexandra Smith, Marius Dubosas

South Valley Sport Dog Club trial

Judge: Jim Jackson Venue: South Valley Sport Dog Club, Ripley Rd, East Clandon, Guildford GU4 7SD Trial Secretary: Kate Huggins Phone: 07748965572 Email: Helper: Simon Hopcroft-Lopez, Nick Warman Tracklayer: Simon Hopcroft-Lopez, Nick Warman