Issue 1, 2022, 1st March
A. GSDL-WDG Branch Club Affiliation
A1. New Branch Club Affiliation Proposals
A1(a) If four or more individuals, who are members of GSDL-WDG, wish to form a GSDL-WDG Branch Club, they must seek approval from the GSDL-WDG Committee. Initial application shall be in writing using the appropriate club affiliation form to the GSDL-WDG General Secretary, in order that it may be included on the next GSDL-WDG Committee meeting agenda. The application MUST include:
- The proposed name of the club, which must be unique, the same club name must not be used if affiliated to another IGP organisation.
- The details of the officers (chairman, secretary, treasurer and club trainer)
NOTE: The three officer positions (chairperson, secretary & treasurer) of the club must be held by different people, who must be GSDL-WDG members, the club trainer, who must also be a GSDL-WDG member, can also hold one of the three officer positions
NOTE: The proposed club trainer should be sufficiently experienced in the training of at least two disciplines within IPO / IGP.
- The location of the training ground, training times and any equipment.
- Give an undertaking to abide by the Rules of the GSDL-WDG, GSDL, as well as Kennel Club regulations.
- Provide contact details (i.e. Telephone number, address and e-mail address)
A1(b) Upon approval by the GSDL-WDG Committee, the new Club will be subject to a three month probationary period. The Affiliation Fee must be paid immediately, together with the Affiliation application form. Following a 12 month period the club shall be reviewed to assess its growth and its general performance.
A1(c) During the probationary period the Branch Club will be visited by a GSDL-WDG judge or apprentice judge / committee member, and a report submitted to the GSDL-WDG Committee from which the decision will be made regarding final acceptance of the Branch Club. The visiting judge / apprentice judge / committee member shall claim reasonable expenses from the club for the visit.
A1(d) New clubs will not be permitted to hold trials during their probationary period.
A1(e) The first trial that the new Branch Club holds MUST be judged by a GSDL-WDG judge.
A2. GSDL-WDG Branch Club Affiliation – General
A2(a) It is strongly recommended that each GSDL-WDG Branch Club should hold at least one event / trial per annum with a GSDL-WDG judge.
A2(b) Renewal of Affiliation is on an annual basis. The Affiliation application and required fees MUST be tendered by 31st December of each year. The amount of the affiliation fee to be decided at the previous AGM.
B. Training
B1. Each GSDL-WDG Branch Club shall appoint at least one Club Trainer to be responsible for the training activities conducted by that GSDL-WDG Branch Club. Each individual GSDL-WDG Branch Club may determine how to make such appointment. Final approval will be a matter for the GSDL-WDG Committee and they may require any person to satisfy them that he/she is sufficiently responsible to oversee protection training.
B2. Before dogs are allowed to participate or train in any aspect of the Sport, they must be of good physical fitness and free from infectious diseases. Dogs must be approved by the relevant Club Trainer as being of suitable temperament for the sport.
B3. Only fully paid-up GSDL-WDG Members of GSDL-WDG are entitled to be members of GSDL-WDG Branch Clubs and only fully paid-up GSDL-WDG Members of GSDL-WDG or people who have paid a one (1) month trial fee are entitled to train their dog(s) at GSDL-WDG Branch Clubs.
B3a. Payment of the one (1) month trial fee does not allow training at a branch club without the prior approval of the club.
B4. It is ultimately the responsibility of the handler to ensure that the dog remains fit, healthy and free from any ailments or infectious diseases.
B5. It is recommended that all dogs have the hips and elbows X-rayed and scored by the British Veterinary Association (BVA) or WUSV Member equivalent.
B6. All members must agree as a condition of membership to comply with the directives of the relevant Club Trainer during the training of protection work. It is the responsibility of the Club Trainers to ensure that all participants’ working dogs show a suitable commitment to all three phases of the sport.
Where minors are present at training the GSDL-WDGs child protection policy must be adhered to.
B7. Protection training should only be carried out on private property where the general public can reasonably be denied access.
B8. It is the responsibility of the officers of the GSDL-WDG Branch Club and, in particular, the trainers and helpers of the GSDL-WDG Branch Club, to ensure that the correct equipment is used and that protective clothing, where applicable, is worn throughout training. This will specifically include suitable protection for Helpers training the protection phase of IPO / Schutzhund as well as use of the competition type sleeve fitted with a bite-bar
C. Judges
C1. Applicants to become GSDL-WDG Apprentice Judges must meet the following qualifying criteria:
- A minimum of three years consecutive membership of the GSDL-WDG.
- Shall have trained and qualified one dog from BH to SChH3 / IPO3 / IGP3 and another dog from BH to SchH1/ IPO1 / IGP1
- Must be under the age of 55 when commencing the apprenticeship.
- May not hold a judging apprenticeship with any other organisation
- Apprenticeships previously conducted with other organisations will not be accepted as partial credit towards a GSDL judging apprenticeship.
C2. If the Apprentice Judge application is accepted by the GSDL-WDG Committee, the Apprentice Judge will be required to carry out the following:
- A minimum of five (5) apprenticeships under the supervision of SV recognized GSDL-WDG judges or SV recognized foreign judges at GSDL-WDG trials
- A minimum of three (3) apprenticeships under the supervision of foreign judges from any internationally recognised association at GSDL-WDG trials.
- No more than two (2) apprenticeships with the same judge shall count towards the total. Where more than 2 apprenticeships are held with the same judge, the trial with the highest number of dogs will be counted.
- A total of at least 8 apprenticeships must be carried out with at least five (5) different judges before the final apprenticeship.
- A minimum of fifty (50) IPO/IGP dogs shall be judged. BH or single phase entries do not count towards this total.
- Final apprenticeship must be with an FCI or SV judge who has carried out a judging appointment at a National or World Championship event and has been approved by the GSDL Executive Committee as a suitable final assessor. The judge will provide a report to the GSDL WDG Executive Committee on the suitability or otherwise of the Apprentice Judge.
C3. Maintenance of Judging practice is paramount and any judge not officiating at a trial for three calendar years shall be required to carry out a further apprenticeship with an approved WUSV teaching judge (with the report submitted to the GSDL-WDG Committee) in order to maintain active status on the Judges list.
C4. Non-renewal of membership to the GSDL-WDG will preclude entry on the active Judges list.
C5. Maintenance of the active Judges list will be by the Events Co-ordinator who will inform the Webmaster for inclusion onto the GSDL-WDG website.
C6. It is recommended that the GSDL-WDG Judges and Apprentice Judges set up a Judges Panel to meet annually in order to discuss rule changes etc. to be passed down to the membership. A Chairperson to be appointed annually.
D. Helpers and Tracklayers
D1. Qualification as a helper is possible at
- A helper licensing event
- Helpers must be put forward by their club for licensing
- A license can be given for ‘short work only’ or for both ‘long’ and ‘short’ work (full license)
In both cases the applicant must:
- Be at least 16 years of age
- Work at least one dog (can be provided by the applicant’s own club), which must be capable of an IGP3 round. Helpers may be asked to work additional dog(s) if required for accurate assessment.
- Be able to complete a simple fitness test and answer questions on the helper rules
- Prove membership of the GSDL-WDG for at least 3 month prior to licensing
The minimum assessors to be in both cases:
- Three fully qualified Judges
Judges may not evaluate their spouse, children, parents, sibling or any person living within their household.
If the helper to be evaluated falls into any of the categories above, the judge must recuse him/herself and the helper will be assessed by the remaining judges, in this case two judges will be sufficient. If there is a split decision between the remaining judges the final decision will be made by the helper trainer(s).
D2. Maintenance of the helper licence.
All helpers, except ‘C(life)’ helpers, must attend the helper licensing event at least every 3 years to maintain their licence.
In the interim period the helper license will be maintained as follows:
During a trial the judge will evaluate the helpers performance and submit a report to the Events Co-ordinator or Helper co-ordinator if the performance is less than satisfactory. If the evaluation is less than satisfactory the helper will be asked to attend the next licensing event where he will be reassessed, in the meantime the helper will be suspended from the helper list.
C(life) grade helpers will only be required to attend the helper licensing if they receive a less than satisfactory report from a judge following a trial.
Helpers must be fully paid up members of the GSDL-WDG by the end of March to maintain their licensed status.
D3. ‘A’ grade helpers
Helpers who wish to be considered for selection for the Nationals or the following years WUSV / FCI qualification trials, must attend the annual helper licensing event.
To be considered for the following seasons major trials helpers must:
- Attend the licensing event and obtain a ‘B’ grade license with at least 90% of the available points
- Attend the licencing event and work at least one dog that they do not train on a regular basis and gain at least 90% of the available points. Helpers may be asked to work additional dog(s) if required for accurate assessment.
- Be able to complete a fitness test and answer questions on the helper rules
- Show proof of working at least 10 dogs at club trials
D4. Inclusion on the ‘A’ grade helper list will be for one (1) year only, as it is important that these helpers are both fit, capable and wanting to participate in the major trials of the coming season.
D5. ‘A’ grade helpers can be licensed for ‘short work only’ or for both ‘long’ and ‘short’ work (full license).
D6. The helpers for the Nationals and the following seasons WUSV / FCI qualifiers will be picked at the annual licensing by the assessors. At the licensing event the assessors will publicly announce the helpers to be used at the Nationals. The helpers for the other major events will be selected bearing in mind fairness by rotation (if more than the required amount are licensed consideration to the number of previous events will be considered and logistically according to the cost/whereabouts of the preceding years trials.)
D7. Helpers must be at least 18 years of age in order to participate in a major trial.
D8. The GSDL-WDG committee will have the final decision in the case of any necessary changes to the helpers picked for the major events.
D9. All helpers who wish to participate in the training and/or licensing must bring with them at least one dog which can be used.
D10. All attendants intending to handle a dog as part of the training or licensing of the helpers, must first sign in with an official.
D11. In exceptional circumstances, existing ‘A’ grade helpers who have participated in at least 2 major events on behalf of the GSDL-WDG in the last 3 years, may have their license extended and re-license at a licensing event other than the annual helper licensing if another event is held.
D12. The National Committee should appoint an individual member who with details on the website and through notification by the General Secretary will be the contact point for clubs requiring helper training assistance on an ad lib basis (Comment that person should have sufficient background in the sport to be able to request help from the more experienced helpers some who may not be licensed grade A) The appointed person will also be responsible for the record keeping of helpers and the organising of the licensing and other training events.
D13. ‘B’ Grade helpers
‘B’ grade helpers can work dogs in all club trials, , koerungs and at the British Sieger, but not in major events.
‘B’ grade helpers must work at least one dog (can be provided by the applicant’s own club), which must be capable of an IGP3 round and score at least 70% of the available points to pass their ‘B’ grade. Helpers may be asked to work additional dog(s) if required for accurate assessment.
‘B’ grade helpers must re-license at least every three (3) years
D14. ‘C’ (Life) Grade helpers
‘C(life)’ helpers will be allowed to work dogs in all club trials, koerungs and at the British Sieger, but not in major events.
‘C(life) helpers do not need to re-license, but they must previously have been ‘A’ grade helpers and they must have at least 10 years’ experience as a licensed helper. To obtain a ‘C(life)’ helper license, the helper must apply to the Committee.
D15. Tracklayer Licensing
To obtain a tracklayer license you must have been a member of the GSDL-WDG for a least 3 months prior to licensing.
Licensing is defined as two separate grades.
D16. Grade A
Must have laid a minimum of 10 IPO2/IGP2 and/or IPO3/IGP3 tracks at club trial events and received a recommendation from a GSDL-WDG judge to be upgraded from B to A
D17. Grade B
Must with a written application from their club, contact a GSDL-WDG judge and arrange to be licensed. This can be done at a club, trial or a prearranged meeting.
They will then lay a number of IGP3 tracks overseen by the GSDL-WDG judge and then re-walk the track with the judge indicating corners and articles where appropriate.
The club must then advise the National Events Coordinator of the grading and the member be added to the association’s tracklayer list.
D18. Tracklayers’ minimum age limits to be:
- Grade ‘A’ – 18 years.
- Grade ‘B’ – 14 years.
E1. GSDL-WDG trials must be held in compliance with WUSV/FCI and GSDL-WDG rules.
- All GSDL-WDG trials will be judged by the 2019 rulebook from the 1st of January 2019.
- The age limit for BH-VT shall be 15 months.
- The GSDL-WDG will not be offering the SPr1-3 titles.
E2. Before dogs are allowed to participate or train in any aspect of the Sport, they must be of good physical fitness and free from infectious ailments, be approved by the relevant Club Trainer as being suitable for the sport. The handler must be a member of a recognized IPO / IGP association and provide evidence of same, in instances of participants taking part who are not members of the GSDL-WDG, a 50% premium on top of the advertised entry fee may be charged.
E3. Dogs entered for competition MUST be tattooed or micro-chipped (it will be the owner/handlers responsibility to provide a suitable microchip scanner in this instance). It is the Trial Manager’s responsibility to ensure compliance.
E4. Training on the Trials Helpers on the Trials field during the period of the Trial is at the discretion of the Trials Manager or the Judge.
E5. Training on the Trials field at ALL events will be controlled by the Trials Manager and dogs will be allowed only with a loose fitting chain collar.
E6. Only handlers who have been fully paid up members (see section C of the constitution) of the GSDL-WDG for at least 3 months or are members of any other WUSV/FCI member club or Kennel Club affiliated organisation and have paid the one (1) month trial fee will be eligible to enter GSDL-WDG trials. Handlers who have been members of the GSDL-WDG for less than 3 months can also enter GSDL-WDG trials upon payment of the one (1) month trial fee. It is not necessary for spectators at Trials or Seminars to be members of the GSDL-WDG. League of Great Britain.
Note: Paying the one (1) month trial fee does not guarantee entry into any GSDL-WDG club trial. The club secretary should always be contacted first to ensure that it will be possible to enter a desired trial.
E7. Helpers must not wear metal studded footwear when working in Trials.
E8. Only GSDL-WDG licensed Helpers or foreign Helpers who are qualified by experience or qualification from an IGP organisation shall be used at any trial with their respective status recognised.
E9. Only GSDL-WDG licensed Tracklayers or foreign Tracklayers who are qualified by experience or qualification from an IGP organisation shall be used at any trial with their respective status recognised.
E10. The GSDL-WDG Events Co-ordinator shall be responsible for confirming the current status of all visiting foreign Judges and helpers before they are allowed to participate in GSDL-WDG Trials.
E11. In the event a club wishes to use a non GSDL-WDG helper or tracklayer, he or she must be approved by the GSDL-WDG committee.
E12. Prior to the Trial start time and in order to comply with the FCI regulations, handlers must present all relevant documents (i.e. GSD League of Great Britain Working Dog Group Performance Record book or equivalent from any other WUSV/FCI member club) to the Trial Secretary.
E13. Any GSDL-WDG Branch Club hosting a Club event will have the right to refuse entry to any individual in accordance with KC RULE 42.
E14. All trials must be applied for to the GSDL-WDG event co-ordinator at least 28 days prior to the trial date or at least 6 weeks prior to the trial date if using a foreign SV approved Judge
F. GSDL-WDG Championships
F1. For the purpose of qualification for all major events i.e. Nationals, All Breeds Nationals, qualifiers and Universal Sieger, a bonus system will be in operation to level out the diference between scores obtained at club trials and scores obtained from major events. The bonus system will operate as follows:
- 10 bonus points shall be added to qualifying scores obtained at Qualifiers, All Breeds Nationals and the Nationals
- 15 bonus points shall be added to qualifying scores obtained at the WUSV World Championship or the FCI World Championship
The GSDL-WDG Nationals
F2. The GSDL-WDG Nationals is to be held on the 3rd week in October whenever possible and may be combined with the GSDL-WDG All Breeds Nationals. This Championship trial is open to GSDL-WDG members who have been members for at least 3 months prior to the trial ONLY.
F3. The selection of the Judge shall be the responsibility of the GSDL-WDG Committee. A GSDL-WDG Judge must be used every other year (i.e. 2015, 2017, 2019 etc.) if available.
F4. The venue for the event should if possible be a stadium of the correct size and capability in an area considered by the GSDL-WDG Committee to be central to the rest of Great Britain.
F5. The selection of Helpers shall be made from the ‘A’ grade Helpers list following the helper licensing event. In certain circumstances one foreign ‘A’ grade helper may be used.
F6. The selection of Tracklayers shall be made by the GSDL-WDG Committee from the GSDL-WDG ‘’A’ grade Tracklayers list.
F7. The Trial shall be restricted to dogs competing at IGP3 level.
F8. The GSDL-WDG Nationals shall be restricted to 20 dogs; preference shall be given to dogs in the following order:
- The previous year’s winner, if entered
- The Dogs with the single highest IGP3 scores obtained at GSDL-WDG events judged by GSDL/SV/WUSV/FCI recognized Judges since 1st January of the previous year or the previous year’s Qualifiers/Nationals/WUSV World Championships/FCI World Championships
Followed by:
- Scores obtained at internationally recognized events since 1st January of the previous year. The competitor must send proof in the form of a photocopy of the scorebook to the National Co-ordinator if they wish to be included on the list with a non GSDL-WDG score.
Followed by:
- The dogs with the single highest IGP2 score obtained at GSDL-WDG events judged by GSDL/SV/WUSV/FCI recognized Judges.
Followed by:
- Highest IGP2 score obtained at internationally recognized events.
Note: Handlers with IGP2 qualified dogs must contact the committee if they wish to be included on the current standings list for the Nationals.
- There shall be three (3) reserves included in the catalogues, in the event of any withdrawals the reserve(s) will be given the opportunity to compete in order of merit.
F9. In the event of a tie, the dog with the highest points score in Phase ‘C’ shall take precedence. Should there still be a tie, the highest points score in Phase ‘B’ shall prevail.
F10. Only GSDL WDG members who have been resident in Great Britain or Ireland for at least 6 months shall be eligible for the title NATIONAL CHAMPION. The title shall pass to the next dog in line in the event the winner is ineligible.
F11. Dogs with a change of handler must have competed and qualified with the current handler at one (1) GSDL-WDG trial at IPO3/IGP3 level, before becoming eligible for entry.
The GSDL-WDG All-Breed Championship Trial Management
If the trial is held separately from the GSDL-WDG Nationals the following rules apply:
F12. The selection of the judge shall be the responsibility of the host club, unless the trial is held at a club ground, in which case the judge will be selected by the GSDL-WDG committee. The judge must be an SV/WUSV/FCI recognized judge and the GSDL-WDG Committee have final approval.
F13. Helpers and Tracklayers must be selected from the GSDL-WDG Grade ‘A’ lists or be suitably licensed from another WUSV/FCI Organization.
F14. The GSDL All-Breeds Championship will be open to ALL breeds.
F15. The Trial shall be restricted to dogs competing at IGP3 level. In the event of the event being oversubscribed a 2nd judge should be used, otherwise the twenty dogs with the highest single score (bonus system) obtained at
- GSDL-WDG events judged by GSDL/SV/WUSV/FCI recognized Judges since 1st January of the previous year or the previous year’s Qualifiers/Nationals/WUSV World Championships/FCI World Championships
Followed by:
- Scores obtained at internationally recognized events since 1st January of the previous year. The competitor must send proof in the form of a photocopy of the scorebook to the National Co-ordinator if they wish to be included on the list with a non GSDL-WDG score.
Followed by:
- The dogs with the single highest IPO2/IGP2 score obtained at GSDL-WDG events judged by GSDL/SV/WUSV/FCI recognized Judges.
Followed by:
- Highest IPO2/IGP2 score obtained at internationally recognized events.
- There shall be three (3) reserves included in the catalogues, in the event of any withdrawals the reserve(s) will be given the opportunity to compete in order of merit.
F16. Dogs with a change of handler must have competed and qualified with the current handler at one (1) GSDL-WDG trial at IPO3/IGP3 level, before becoming eligible for entry.
F17. Only dogs registered with the appropriate country or breed associations are eligible for entry.
F16. Handlers must have been fully paid up members of a GSDL-WDG for at least 3 months at time of entry.
F18. Only GSDL WDG members who have been resident in Great Britain or Ireland for at least 6 months shall be eligible for the title NATIONAL ALL BREEDS CHAMPION. The title shall pass to the next dog in line in the event the winner is ineligible.
F19. Foreign handlers may enter provided that there are less than twenty GSDL-WDG members meeting the entry criteria.
G. WUSV / FCI World Championships
G1. The GSDL-WDG committee will discuss changes to the qualification criteria for the WUSV World Championships and the FCI World Championships and publish them on the GSDL-WDG website as soon as possible. The qualifying criteria shall be effective upon publication.
Selection Trial Management Procedures and Team Selection Criteria:
G2. Handlers must be fully paid up members of the GSDL-WDG at least three (3) months before the time of entry and either be a British citizen or have resided and paid taxes in Great Britain for a minimum of three years to be eligible for entrance into the selection trials as a GSDL-WDG member.
WUSV World Championships
G3. Only GSDL-WDG members handling pedigree German Shepherd Dogs registered with The Kennel Club or their country of birth (must be FCI recognised registration papers) and micro chipped shall be eligible to enter the Qualification Trials for a place on the GSDL-WDG’s WUSV Team.
G4. The GSDL dogs for the GSDL/BAGSD Joint Selection trial shall be selected as follows:
- The top three (3) qualified dogs from the GSDL Nationals the previous year.
- The top three (3) qualified GSDs from the All Breeds National in the same year.
- In the event of any dog finishing in the top three in both trials, the next place will go the dog from either event which finished in 4th place with the highest score, followed by the dog in 4th place with the lowest score, then the dog in 5th place with the highest score etc. until up to 6 dogs have been found.
- The top 4 highest IPO3/IGP3 scoring dogs (bonus system) with scores obtained after the previous Joint Selection trial. Scores can be obtained from any GSDL trials judged by a GSDL and/or SV judge, WUSV/FCI World Championships, the Nationals, qualifiers or the All Breeds Nationals.
- Dogs going forward to the Joint Selection trial from a club trial must have scored at least 250 points with a minimum of 80 points in each of the three phases.
- All dogs entering the Joint Selection trial must provide proof of acceptable BVA and/or SV hips and elbows scores.
G5. If there are more than 10 places available to GSDL dogs in the GSDL/BAGSD Joint WUSV Selection trial, the extra available places will be offered following the same principle as above.
G6. In the event of a tie, the dog with the highest points score in Phase ‘C’ shall take precedence. Should there still be a tie, the highest points score in Phase ‘B’ shall prevail.
FCI World Championships
Selection for the FCI World Championship shall be in accordance with the Joint FCI selection agreement.
G7. A joint Selection trial will be held annually to select the FCI World Championship team.
Key features of the FCI Joint Selection agreement:
The FCI Selection trial may be limited to 20 entries, in which case a bonus system shall be in operation as follows:
- 5 Bonus points shall be added to scores obtained at British qualifiers or Nationals with fewer than 10 dogs participating.
- 10 Bonus points shall be added to scores obtained at British qualifiers or Nationals with more than 10 dogs participating.
- 15 Bonus points shall be added to scores obtained at World Championships with fewer than 100 dogs participating
- 20 Bonus points shall be added to scores obtained at World Championships with more than 100 dogs participating
The trial is open to all eligible (in accordance with FCI regulations) competitors who have qualified IGP3 in a trial hosted by an organisation/club affiliated to the UK Kennel Club since the 1st of January of the previous year up until the last day for qualification.
Only IGP3 qualified dogs are eligible for entry.
The Great British Team shall be selected from the top 5 successful dog/handler teams of this event. The sixth place shall be the Reserve.
Should any of the first 5 selected choose not to take up their offered place on the team then the reserve will move to a team position and the next qualified handler will be asked to participate. This process shall be repeated until a full team is selected. Only handlers that have qualified and meet the minimum entry criteria will be selected for the team.
To be eligible for team selection, handlers must have a minimum IGP3 score of 250 in their score book anytime from the 1st of January of the previous year, with a minimum of 80/80/80. The score from the Selection Trial can be used if it meets the necessary criteria.
Should there be 5 or less competitors who wish to try out for the Great Britain team in a given year, they will be declared the team without holding a selection trial, providing they meet the minimum score of 80/80/80 & 250 criteria as per the paragraph above.
Dogs with a change of handler must have competed and qualified with the current handler in a trial hosted by an organisation/club affiliated to the UK Kennel Club at IGP3 level, before becoming eligible for entry.
G8. The GSDL-WDG will put forward up to 2 helpers from the ‘A’ grade list for selection by the Judge of the Joint FCI trial.
Should the helpers not be selected their expenses will be covered by the GSDL-WDG.
G9. The GSDL-WDG will put forward up to 2 Tracklayers from the GSDL-WDG Grade ‘A’ list. The tracklayers for the trial will be decided by the organising committee before the trial.
G10. The team Captaincy and Vice Captaincy will be offered to the organisation which represents most competitors within the team in any given year.
H. WUSV Universal Sieger
H1. Handlers must be fully paid up members of the GSDL-WDG at least 3 months before the time of entry and either be a British citizen or have resided and paid taxes in Great Britain for a minimum of three years to be eligible.
H2. Only GSDL-WDG members handling pedigree German Shepherd Dogs registered with The Kennel Club or their country of birth (must be FCI recognised registration papers) and micro chipped shall be eligible for a place on the GSDL-WDG’s Universal Sieger Team.
H3. All dogs wishing to participate in the Universal Sieger must fulfil all the entry requirements posted by the hosting country.
H4. The Dog/handler team must have qualified IPO3/IGP3 at one (1) GSDL-WDG event judged by a SV recognized Judge since 1st January of the previous year, the current years qualifiers or the previous year’s Qualifiers/Nationals/WUSV World Championship/WUSV Universal Sieger/FCI World Championship.
H5. A qualification trial specifically for the Universal Sieger may be held in which case dogs shall be selected according to their placing in the selection trial (only dogs who have obtained a qualifying score shall count) after adding possible bonus points for show grading and/or Koerung as detailed in I6. If there is still remaining places on the Universal Sieger team then these places may be filled using the criteria in I6.
H6. If more dogs than there are available spaces wish to participate, preference will be given to the dogs in the following order:
Dogs shall be selected by utilising a combined point score, consisting of their highest IPO3/IGP3 score from the above mentioned trials (with bonus system) and bonus points awarded to dogs with higher show ratings and/or koerungs.
Bonus points shall be awarded as follows:
Dogs with a show rating of ‘SG’ shall receive 5 bonus points
Dogs with a show rating of ‘V’ shall receive 10 bonus points
Dogs with a koerung shall receive 5 bonus points
The dogs with the highest combined score shall be selected for the Universal Sieger.
I. Sponsorships
I1. The GSDL-WDG will primarily sponsor the teams representing the GSDL in the WUSV World Championship and the FCI IGP World Championship. The amount of sponsorship will be discussed by the committee on a year to year basis and will depend also on the amount of sponsorship obtained from external sources.
I2. A limited sponsorship may be available to GSDL-WDG members competing in other recognized world level events, excluding the Universal Sieger. The amount of sponsorship will be discussed by the committee if a request is received.
I3. Sponsorship for handlers participating in the Universal Sieger shall only be available to handler/dog teams who have qualified IGP3 in the GSDL-WDG Nationals, GSDL-WDG All-breeds Nationals, the WUSV Joint selection trial, the FCI Joint selection trial, the WUSV or FCI World Championships or the WUSV Universal Sieger since the 1st of January of the previous year.
I3a. Handler/dog teams who do not fulfil the requirements in I3 must agree to cover the Universal Sieger entry fee and the cost of team uniform themselves.