Midland Region Dogsport

Judge: Rinus Bastiaansen Venue: The Dogfather, Ash Grove Lane, Egginton, S Derbyshire DE65 6GU Organiser: Shirley A Hutchinson Phone: 07803175333 Email: mascani@btinternet.com Helper: Richard Harrison Tracklayer: Richard Harrison

South Cheshire IGP Club trial

Judge: Dean Banks Venue: South Cheshire IGP Club, Newton Bank, Warrington Trial Secretary: Caroline Robinson Phone: 07764368673 Email: robertsoncx@aol.com Helper: Andy Parsons Tracklayer: Chris Bows

Quadrant Dogsport club trial

Judge: Dougie Bannerman Venue: Quadrant Dogsport UK, Cherry Hill Pavilion Chorlton Lane, Malpas SY14 7EP Trial Secretary: Andrew Whibberley Phone: 07853218446 Email: awhibberley@gmail.com Helper: Danny Roberts Tracklayer: Andy Wall

Jurassic Coast IGP club trial

Judge: Dean Banks Venue: Jurassic Coast IGP, Knapp road. Ham Somerset Organiser: Jim Jackson Phone: 07952773301 Email: jimjackson4536@icloud.com Helper: Aidan Jackson Tracklayer: Aidan Jackson

Newmarket Working Dog Club trial

Judge: Dean Banks Venue: Newmarket Working Dog Club , Doncaster, South Yorkshire Trial Secretary: Lisa Armstrong Phone: 07932648454 Email: lisaarmstrong71@icloud.com Helper: Milligan Montgomery Tracklayer: TBC

GSDL All Breed National Championships

Judge: Henriette Bohnstedt Venue: Moorside Rangers FC Swinton M27 8SN Trial Secretary: Ruth Southon Phone: 07889395843 Email: ruth.southon@gmail.com Helpers: TBC Tracklayers: TBC

White Rose IGP club trial

Judge: Dean Banks Venue: White Rose IGP, Spout House Lane, Hove Edge, Brighouse HD6 2PL Trial Secretary: Cheryl Spurr Phone: 07397881705 Email: secretary@whiteroseigp.co.uk Helper: Domane James Tracklayer: Kevin Sullivan

Starling Dog Sport Club trial

Judge: Gavin Smith Venue: Starling Dog Sport Club, Shepperlands Copse, Park Lane, Wokingham, Berks , RG40 4QE Trial Secretary: Sue Beel Phone: 07768286731 Email: sue@beckenberry.com Helper: Chris Wilson Tracklayer: Georgia Pearce

Pitsford IGP club trial

Judge: Gary Khakhian Venue: Pitsford IGP, The Piggeries, Grange Lane, Pitsford, NN6 9AN Organiser: Samanatha Wortley Phone: 07917 832911 Email: agsam1983@hotmail.co.uk Helper: Oliver French, Chris Wilson Tracklayer: Oliver French, Chris Wilson

Southern Counties Sports Dog Club

Judge: Erik Søndersø Ahrends Venue: Southern Counties Sports Dog Club , Oad Street, Borden, Kent Trial Secretary: Julie Johnson Trial contact: Henriette Bohnstedt Email: hbohnstedt@btinternet.com Helper: Stuart Pryke Tracklayer: Stuart Pryke

Severnside Sports Dog Club trial

Judge: Henriette Bohnstedt Venue: Severnside Sports Dog Club, Barecroft common, Magor Trial Secretary: Linda Gamon Phone: 07903443676 Email: lindagammon08@gmail.com  

Starling Dog Sport Club trial

Judge: Volker Behrens Venue: Starling Dog Sport Club, RG40 4QE Trial Secretary: Sian Wells Phone: 07582482775 Email: sian_l_wells@ntlworld.com Helper: Sascha Dietrich, George Walker Tracklayer: James Weller, Gavin Smith