Club Trial Results

Club Trial results are sorted by year and date.

Latest Results

Most Active Club

Each year Jan-Dec, the GSDL-WDG affiliated clubs are awarded points for each trial they hold, and each member who enters and qualifies at a trial during the year. At the end of each year, a trophy is awarded to the Most Active Club.

Roll of Honour

2023Severnside Dog Sport Club
2022Severnside Sports Dog Club
2021Forth Sports Dog Club
2020Esslon Sports Dog Club
2019Southern Counties Sports Dog Club
2017Southern Counties Sports Dog Club / South Valley Sports Dog Club (joint)
2016North Shropshire IPO Club
2015North Shropshire Club
2014White Rose Schutzhund Club
2013Team Marches Dog Sport
2012Team Marches Dog Sport
2011Severnside Schutzhund Club
2010Bolton Schutzhund Club
2009South Cheshire Schutzhund Club